
Japanese Maple Trees

Discover the beauty and elegance of Japanese Maple Trees (Acer palmatum). They are perfect for adding graceful form, stunning foliage, and vibrant seasonal color to any garden.

Popular Varieties

  • Acer pal. 'Bloodgood' – Deep purple-red leaves.
  • Acer pal. 'Skeeter's Broom' – Compact with crimson foliage.
  • Acer pal. 'Orange Dream' – Bright orange-yellow hues.
  • Acer pal. 'Asahi-zuru' – Unique variegated pink, green, and white leaves.

Care Tips

  • Position: Partial shade with shelter from harsh winds.
  • Soil: Moist, well-drained, slightly acidic.
  • Watering: Regular watering, especially during dry periods.
  • Pruning: Light pruning in late winter to remove deadwood.

Browse our collection of Japanese Maples for sale and find the perfect variety to transform your garden today!

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Acer palm. 'Bloodgood'

Availability: 4 In Stock

The Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood,' also known as the Bloodgood Japanese Maple, is a striking ornamental tree prized for its vibrant, deep burgundy foliage that lasts through spring, summer, and intensifies in fall. Its delicate, hand-like leaves create a captivating texture in any garden, making it a stunning focal point in both formal and informal landscapes

Availability: Out of stock

Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Japanese Maple

Also known as the Bloodgood Japanese Maple, is a striking ornamental tree prized for its vibrant, deep burgundy foliage that lasts through spring, and summer, and intensifies in fall. Its delicate, hand-like leaves create a captivating texture in any garden, making it a stunning focal point in both formal and informal landscapes.